Sunday, August 14, 2011

staying warm by the fire, for starters...

Kia ora whenau, from the winter wonderland here.

It's about time for an update. Hard to believe I've been here in Queenstown, New Zealand for a month already-and what a month it's been. I'll be honest, I'm struggling to think up words to write, to even begin to tell you about life. What does my life look like? That's tough to answer as each day changes-after all, it's not my day, but God's. Some things that are constants in my life right now include digging into Scriptures, worshipping, and praying with/for others. As I wrote that I remembered how Jesus taught with stories. I think I will do as He did with a few testimonies of what God's been doing...

  1. provided a baby grand piano-so upon arriving in Queenstown I was disappointed to find out the church I'm plugged into here had no piano, or even a keyboard. So I prayed a simple prayer-God, I would like a piano at the church-not a keyboard, A PIANO. I did not travail many hours in prayer, but of course Jehovah Jireh responded because He's awesome like that. 3 weeks later the church purchased a beautiful baby grand piano for less than it was worth-the woman who sold it preferred it go to a good home. It was in a spiritually dry dwelling so we laid hands on it and prayed. And what a blessing it's been-to me and to others. I continue to pray and hope each note I play is to the glory of God. Janet says it well, "I would rather have that piano played with no technique/expertise but a heart full of passion for Him, than played with all the expertise in the world but no passion."  Oh and get this-my sister Lara also got blessed with a steazy keyboard for our house.
     2.  God's into fulfilling our seemingly small desires as well. The boys had bought some delicious raspberry lemonade with me in mind and one day Seth wanted some. I told him it had all been consumed, but not to fear as I would pray for more, knowing Gabe and Kent planned to go grocery shopping that day. Again, a simple prayer-for God does say "don't pray like the heathens do, babbling on and on...vain repetition, etc." "Dear God, please tell Kent and Gabe to get more raspberry lemonade." Seth looked at me as if I was ridiculous. Imagine his surprise and my delight when the boys got home later, and the first thing they pulled out was this juice.

And that's the tip of the iceberg-There's many more stories, enough to write a novel.

Rereading what I've just written, it seems like a huge thread weaving it's way around right now is prayer-and what power prayer has indeed. I recommend listening to the song "history maker" if you haven't already. God's always speaking, and I pray you and I will always listen. I read in a book (Living Water, by brother Yun) the other day "it is only those who get away from the roar of the world that are able to hear God." May you find that stillness.

Prayer requests:
-that God would give me even more of a heart of worship, and more capacity for said heart
-continued prayer for the visa application I have in, favor from the people looking over it, and that it would be granted quickly. (I just called today and it is still in a line waiting to be looked at)

Thank you heaps for praying. And I would love to know, how can I be praying for you?

May the love of the Father, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit go with you all.

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