Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'M LEAVING TODAY!!!!!!! I'm so stoked and a krazi mixture of excitement and nerves right now...but mostly excitement. It's gonna be a long 34+ hrs of getting there....but thats ok...half the fun is getting there right? To those of you who I didnt get a chance to say goodbye in person too, sry and know I'll miss u lots. Actually, its not goodbye its cya, cuz goodbye is forever. Thx for reminding me that. Thank you for all your support I'm so luck to have friends like you guys. I'll talk to you guys once i get to new zealand!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

3 more days!!!

Hey guys! So here's the deal...I'm leaving for New Zealand on Wednesday, and I'll for sure be out there 11 weeks!!! Could be longer but who knows I may end up going to a different country for the mission outreach of BDTS...thats Backpackers Discipleship Training School. Because I would rather not have to repeat everything a zillion times and lose track of who I've told what, I've succumbed to the phenomenon that is life is nothing to write about right now but hopefully once I get to New Zealand I'll have stories to tell. So if you wanna follow my's where its at! :P yeah hopefully update everyday out there, guess we'll see how busy I am. Yeah. Now that I've bored you to tears I'm gonna header. Promise once I'm in NZ i'll have interesting posts.
