Sunday, September 27, 2009

3 more days!!!

Hey guys! So here's the deal...I'm leaving for New Zealand on Wednesday, and I'll for sure be out there 11 weeks!!! Could be longer but who knows I may end up going to a different country for the mission outreach of BDTS...thats Backpackers Discipleship Training School. Because I would rather not have to repeat everything a zillion times and lose track of who I've told what, I've succumbed to the phenomenon that is life is nothing to write about right now but hopefully once I get to New Zealand I'll have stories to tell. So if you wanna follow my's where its at! :P yeah hopefully update everyday out there, guess we'll see how busy I am. Yeah. Now that I've bored you to tears I'm gonna header. Promise once I'm in NZ i'll have interesting posts.


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