Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This video is a must see! It's so inspiring and always makes me smile...


How amazing would it be if everyone would go around giving compliments to random strangers?

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I'm reading a book called "The Power of  Praying Woman." It's amazing, and it's taking me so long because it's so in-depth and I want to completely soak up a section I've read before moving on. That's why I'm only on Chapter 3! Here's an excerpt from the book I love:

Do you hunger for a greater sense of the Lord's presence in your life? Do you desire to know God in a deeper way? Do you want to serve Him better and more completely but don't feel you have the time, energy, or opportunity to do so? Do you need to spend more time with Him in prayer? Do you want your prayers to be accompanied by greater faith so that you can see greater answers to them? Do you need a more complete knowledge and understanding of God's Word? Do you ever just long to throw your arms open and embrace Jesus, white robes and all, and feel His embrace of you? The good news is that this is the way God wants you to feel. God wants you to long for His presense. He wants you to find your fulfillment in Him and nothing else. He wants you to walk closely with Him. He wants you to increase in faith and knowledge of His Word. He wants you to put all your hopes and dreams in His hands and look to Him to meet all of your needs. When you do, He will open the storehouse of blessing upon your life. That's because these things are His will for you.
    But none of these things happen without prayer.

Ever since I received the gift of tongues I've been more passionate about prayer. But I feel like my prayer life could be so much more intense and passionate. Being at camp, I get to be involved in corporate prayer each day, but something I'm realizing is that I really want to develop my individual prayer life. I was thinking hypothetically today...say someone were to drop you off somewhere remote-like an abandoned island or some barren desert. There's no civilization around, no cell phones, no facebook, no books. Pretend there's no physical need to eat, so there's no food around to distract you. You're stuck here infinitely like this-just you and God, and the only thing to do all day is talk to God...IS HE ENOUGH? While in my head I know the obvious answer is of course God is enough, I feel like I have so much growing to do before I can answer this with a confident YES!!!

Some things I'm praying for are humility and humbleness. These are 2 characteristics I want to keep as priorities as I continue to grow as a leader. I was reading a sweet blog post the other day about qualities of a good leader, and they were submission, patience, accountability, and self-discipline. I really agree with this and so those are in my prayers as well. (see the blog post here: http://www.courtneytodd.blogspot.com/). And of course my trip back to New Zealand is coming up, and with that comes the Backpacker's Discipleship School! Apparently in my excitement to head back I majorly miscounted and today it is actually 18 days til I fly out.

And by the way speaking of prayer here's an answer to prayer...my visa application was approved within one day! God is so good!

In other news, I decided to get involved in the Threads of Hope Ministry by selling bracelets...so if you're interested in buying some or know someone who is let me know, and check out the video and consider getting involved by buying/selling/praying!! Threads of Hope

Last, but not least, I leave you with a sweet quote I found today..."Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines."

Be blessed!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

18 days til NZ!!!

Hey guys! So since my last update I've been keeping busy with camp all summer. I've gotten to wrangle most weeks which is awesome, I'm learning so much about horses and still have tons to learn. My favorite part is when kids (and sometimes even staff!) overcome their fear of horses, and end up having so much fun they can't wait to come back. God is so amazing for creating horses-huge, beautiful beings that could kill you if they wanted to, but in general they're just the sweetest things ever. Doing actions in chapel is another highlight, it really refreshes me and sometimes I end the day with an extra 24 hrs worth of energy. Cool how God just keeps pouring into us when we need it most, eh? It's been busy with camp and getting ready for NZ. I basically always keep my suitcase open-packing and unpacking is my life. I finally submitted my visa application today, so I'm really trusting God for that. Hard to believe that in only 18 days I will board a plane to NZ once again, where I will settle in and call home for a little while. Right now, I'm trying to keep most of my focus on camp, and trying to keep trusting God that my visa goes through on time. Kind of a big deal. Good thing God gives us what we need as He sees fit! It's hard to believe camp is almost done for the summer, and we're already over halfway thru. I'm alright with that though. I'm gonna enjoy my time left at camp, and then I'll enjoy my time in NZ. I'm so stoked to see a bunch of my friends from last year who are heading back as well, as well as meet new people. Be blessed!