Friday, October 8, 2010

Gerber Daisies

Stepping into the checkout line, my roomie Katie and I leisurely waited, in no rush. A lovely woman stepped ahead of us, failing to see us in her rush. Of course, when she realized what she had done she was a bit flustered and profusely apologized. Typical kiwi-they're so friendly down here! Katie reassured her it was fine. The great thing is Katie's got an American accent-a dead giveaway we weren't from around here. So this began a real short conversation about how long we were here for and what we were doing here. Turns out this woman was on her way to a Christian camp and that's why she was in such a rush. Thus, with a "Bless you guys!" she hurried of to camp without further delay...or so we thought. Later Katie went to pick up the pictures she had ordered, and the woman behind the counter passed her 2 individually, beautifully wrapped gerber daisies. Turned out in between the time we left and Katie came back, this stranger we had briefly talked to had still felt kind of bad and henceforth purchased the flower and left them for us. And that is the icing on the cake of yesterday.

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