Tuesday, April 2, 2013

to answer the big question...

Here in YWAM there's a question we hear alot when schools end. "What are you doing next?" I have spent many afternoons this past week laying in the treehouse staring up at the sky and contemplating writing this update. Not because I don't know what I am doing - I mean, to some degree there's a bit of unknown, but overall I have a good idea. I've been contemplating because I am about to make a big transition. And I figure updates on big transitions should be full of profound, eloquent, words. And so this week I have found myself laying in the treehouse, enjoying the sunshine, staring up at the sky hoping for an outpouring of all the eloquent words I will never need. They haven't - I've never been eloquent with words, so I figured I might as well get on to the update in my typical uneloquent fashion.

3 months ago I had a pivotal conversation. I sat down with 2 people of great importance in my life - my Training Coordinator here at the base and a good friend who has also been one of my leaders this season. We proceeded to have a long, hard, but good discussion about the future and YWAM and growing in leadership, and things on my heart and such. I walked away from the discussion a bit dizzy in the head as I chewed on the ideas proposed to me. I went for a long walk and had some serious thinking and prayer time, which overflowed into the last 3 months. And said yes to a big change, yes to leaving what has been home for nearly 2 years, yes to pursuing my passion, yes....

And so, I will be heading back to Manitoba (where I grew up), which apparently is to be "home" for awhile. Awhile meaning a year - which to be honest I'm still getting used to - I haven't been home for a year at a time in the last 5 years, so this is a big change. I'm heading home for a year and I'm not sure exactly what's in store, but plan on spending time with my amazing family and especially with my nephew which I will finally get to meet! I have a job interview a few days after I return, so we'll see what happens. I'm pretty relaxed about it to be honest, because I know if that's God's plan for me I'll get the job, and if not, I won't. The important thing to me is to just ENJOY. I anticipate alot of movie dates with my sisters, teaching my 10-month old nephew to play piano, eating my parent's awesome cooking, seeing my sister's new home, filling my home with worship, enjoying Tim Hortons, poutine, legit maple syrup...the list could go on and on.

After a year at home I plan on heading to Denver to do a School of Worship with YWAM - which is a second level school for training up worship leaders. Basically I would get to hang out with a bunch of like-minded people who love leading people into the presence of the King, learn heaps about worship during lectures, and also obtain further musical training. I have applied for this school and will keep you posted on that.

Shortly after that, I plan on heading back to New Zealand to continue staffing at YWAM Oxford. To be honest it's hard to know what to all right on here as some things are in the dreaming stages and not confirmed and I'm not sure that what has all been told to me is ok to post on a public blog - but shoot me an email or grab me for a coffee and I'd love to chat. I know the Lord knows the plan and so I'm not worried - details will be sorted as they need to be, and everything that is meant to happen, will happen.

Right now, I'm just learning alot about enjoying the moment and valuing those around me. So I have no agenda for this next week. I plan on having lots of 1-on-1 time with my heavenly Father, sleeping in, worshipping heaps, and hanging out as much as possible with some precious people here that I probably won't see for awhile, and being.

To be honest it's still hard for me to belive that this is happening - it's such a big change. Though leaving my New Zealand home will be tough I'm excited for what's ahead. This next season will most likely come with challenges, but there's 2 things I know - that God is good, and that He is worthy of my praise. And that's what keeps me going.

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