Thursday, October 1, 2009

friday (thursday for you!)

Sydney! I don't have time to explore, but i'm sitting outside enjoying the fresh air while i wait for my last flight. Vancouver to Sydney was 15 hr flight! I'm amazed i'm not tired. Of Course i got a middle seat, but I had a nice neighbor who let me use her as a pillow, so I slept lots. And the airplane food was really good! Once we landed, I saw a plane w/ a 'roo on it! And aussiee accents are sooo amazing! Anyway, like 15 hrs on a plane wasn't enough, once we landed our gate was busy so we had to wait, plus they had to spray insecticide on the plane and hold us captive for 5 min to kill any weird bugs we may have been carrying. THEN we had to wait in a long line for cutoms, and another line after the baggage carousel so customs could check baggage and let you exit the building. Thank goodness for that line tho, otherwise I wouldn't have realized my baggage stopped here, when it was supposed to check all the way thru automatically. There's warning signs around here that it's illegal for cab drivers to approach you. Oh, we even got complimentary blankets and pillows to use on flight! My excitement was short lived cuz they were scratchy, staticky, and stinky. I'm so blah now haha o well, i'll rejuvenate in NZ :D! Not sure how long the flight there is, but kno not 15 hrs! THank goodness; i felt like forever had passed, looked at the time which informed me we had 12 hrs left. I"m adjusting to the time changes really well tho. Havin fun with my cell Sam? Did ya use it the whole way home? lol man ya guys shoulda tasted my amazin complimentary sandwich before! Not! haha thick slices of ham and butter b/t huge chunks of bread. No way, Jose. Can't please everyone i guess, and the chic breast and omelette made up for it. It's funny cuz professional customs ppl hear adress guys as "dude." Good day mates are all around. <3>


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