Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday (wrote out by hand wed, that is)

I'm in VAncouver killing time for a few hrs til my next flight, and I'm tired! Only 830 pm here, but my body says 1030. It's been a long day...ran into trouble before i left what w/ immigration/visa laws and such, which ended up costing me, but oh well, it's all part of the adventure and it all worked out. Awesome! cuz landing in jail or being deported is NOT on my to do list. Shocking, I know! Slightly disappointed I don't have time to check out Vancouver whil I'm here, oh well, NZ is the main goal anyway. Oh yeah there were 2 ppl escorted onto my flight in handcuffs attached to a chain around their waist...kinda freaked me out but no worries, nothin went down. Too bad, that woulda made a great story! jk jk i'd rather have a boring flight. Sry I'm writing alot but i'm sooooooooo bored. My flight was only 2.5 hrs and i got bored, thank goodness for seatback TV! Too bad we couldn't figure out how to teleport, Beth! Man, my next flights gonna be krazi long! Sry this isn't spectacular, but I'm bored. Haha i'm piggin out on crackers now...good stuff. And fruit! Refreshing break from all the junk food i eat. Beth Beth! I found a guy for ya! he drinks lattes...he seems fruity, and weasly. That's all i kno, but i'll easily be able to kidnap him...i'll report back. Enemy is in sight. lol i've already eaten 1/2 box of crackers i'm so bored. Theres just some old dude nearby readin a newspaper...who i'd rather not strike up a conversation with. Aww he escaped Beth! There goes the entertainment...k i'll try and find somethin interestin to tell ya Fruit to Go! on the back it says, "What's in your fruit snack?" Good question fruit to go, no clue. There's even a website. Here's a thought, how bout i just read the ingredients? Gosh i'm goin krazi talkin to a fruit to go. Did ya kno "apparently" robots can do brain surgery! There's a poster behind me that says, "Where a robot entered my brain." Here's a random quote I love: "To accomplish great things, we must not only act bu also dream. Not only plan but also believe."


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