Hey all! This week we had David Riddell speaking...not my favorite week but still managed to get stuff out of it. He's a counselor so alot of the teaching seemed like something out of a psychology textbook and not as much scripture...last week was scripture scripture scripture which I loved so this was definitely different. Some of the new ideas/reminders I picked up this week:
-Beliefs(conclusions you've made and are living out) drive your life
-most churches have a set schedule and God must fit in during an allotted time
-we're human BEings...not human DOings~worth not determined by performance, doing must come out of being
-Spirit "I"
Body "Will"
Soul "Go"
-you won't quench the spirit if your mind is full of grace and peace
-tongues releases the river of living water
-As a man thinketh, so is he (Titus 1:15 "To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.")
-one of the most reliable guides to mental/emotional health is how well you take correction
-check up from the neck up
-if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got
-how can you love one another if you have self hatred in your heart?
-that was then, this is not
-speak the truth in love~the sooner you say it, the smaller the degree of resentment
-*a good tomorrow starts with an early nite tonite
-Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"
This weekend was awesome too...some of us went climbing for about 4 hours on Saturday, being instructed by 2 awesome YMCA guys, learning so that we're confident in climbing and belaying, which will be useful as we're climbing a bit on outreach, and when climbing you put all your trust in your belayer...you need to know that they have you if you fall...its also a good bonding thing for people because communication is key. We climbed outside which was awesome...I love the natural rock, and it was cool meeting other people hanging out climbing. Also got an opportunity to lead climb, not just top rope, which is definitely my favorite. Today has been pretty relaxing, church was awesome this morning. There was a Christmas service which had a huge family sense, kids and youth were involved and ywam even went up and sang a song. It was great really strange though...alot of us were like wow! We're in New Zealand singing Christmas carols! So weird...and shorts weather in december...crazy! Anyway...hung out with my roomates a bit 2 of them are taking off in just over an hour. Earthcare DTS is leaving for outreach tonight, heading first to Bali and then Cambodia. It's almost 2 am here, most of us are either staying up to see them off or waking up in the middle of the night to see them off. They'll be missed, but we're stoked for them and definitely upholding them in prayer. I'm leaving for outreach in 6 days so this weeks going to be busy packing and cleaning up the base. I'll try and update yet before I go on outreach. Later!
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