Friday, March 2, 2012


Well, once upon a time I was born. 21 years ago today. So to celebrate this grand occasion here's a post different than most, 21 random facts about me:

1. I have never broken a bone.
2. At the young age of 21, I've had the privilege of seeing (some more than others) Fiji, India, New Zealand, China, USA, and Australia. And plan to see many more. My suitcase remains open and ready at all times-ok more like neatly stowed under the bed, but I do love to travel.
3. I take great pleasure in eating with my hands.
4. Veggies are my friend.
5. This is the first fall I've seen in 3 years. I jump over the equator so often that some days I barely know which season is which anymore (do you mean summer summer, or winter summer? lol)
6. I currently have a hankering for some good ol' Canadian maple syrup.
7. I will be an aunt in about 3 months, which I'm stoked for.
8. I don't generally add salt to my plate, except watermelon.
9. I cannot build fires. Even if my life depends on it.
10. I am a chocaholic. And dessertaholic. It's a very important food group you know.
11. I absolutely love the ocean.
12. I'm single and love it.
13. Whenever I eat birthday cake with vanilla goop in the middle, I always eat it last.
14. Music and spelling are my fortes.
15. I'm a middle child and have 5 siblings whom I love dearly.
16. Growing up I much preferred fishing and helping dad fix tires over helping mom in the kitchen.
17. Speaking of fishing, I have gutted a fish only once. It was so disgusting I will never do it again.
18. My ideal Saturday night is a movie date with 2 of my sisters.
19. I've always wanted to learn to play the violin and the drums.
20. Growing up I wanted to be a librarian or a teacher.
21. I'm hoping to write many songs this season.

1 comment:

Rebecca-Lynn said...

Note that it's already March 3 in NZ, family that my think I forgot my date of birth :D