but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31
Monday, December 28, 2009
more Queenstown!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
week update!
-Beliefs(conclusions you've made and are living out) drive your life
-most churches have a set schedule and God must fit in during an allotted time
-we're human BEings...not human DOings~worth not determined by performance, doing must come out of being
-Spirit "I"
Body "Will"
Soul "Go"
-you won't quench the spirit if your mind is full of grace and peace
-tongues releases the river of living water
-As a man thinketh, so is he (Titus 1:15 "To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.")
-one of the most reliable guides to mental/emotional health is how well you take correction
-check up from the neck up
-if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got
-how can you love one another if you have self hatred in your heart?
-that was then, this is not
-speak the truth in love~the sooner you say it, the smaller the degree of resentment
-*a good tomorrow starts with an early nite tonite
-Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"
This weekend was awesome too...some of us went climbing for about 4 hours on Saturday, being instructed by 2 awesome YMCA guys, learning so that we're confident in climbing and belaying, which will be useful as we're climbing a bit on outreach, and when climbing you put all your trust in your belayer...you need to know that they have you if you fall...its also a good bonding thing for people because communication is key. We climbed outside which was awesome...I love the natural rock, and it was cool meeting other people hanging out climbing. Also got an opportunity to lead climb, not just top rope, which is definitely my favorite. Today has been pretty relaxing, church was awesome this morning. There was a Christmas service which had a huge family sense, kids and youth were involved and ywam even went up and sang a song. It was great really strange though...alot of us were like wow! We're in New Zealand singing Christmas carols! So weird...and shorts weather in december...crazy! Anyway...hung out with my roomates a bit 2 of them are taking off in just over an hour. Earthcare DTS is leaving for outreach tonight, heading first to Bali and then Cambodia. It's almost 2 am here, most of us are either staying up to see them off or waking up in the middle of the night to see them off. They'll be missed, but we're stoked for them and definitely upholding them in prayer. I'm leaving for outreach in 6 days so this weeks going to be busy packing and cleaning up the base. I'll try and update yet before I go on outreach. Later!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
speaking in tongues!!!!
Some info on tongues:
-the miraculous part isn't the act of speaking; it's the language. You speak; the Holy Spirit provides "the utterance," the words, the syllables.
-tongues is an edifying way of speaking to God
-scriptures on tongues: (Mark 16:17, Acts 2:4, 10:46, 19:6, 1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14)
-tongues releases a river of living water
Friday, December 4, 2009
glory of God!!!!
-worship=celebrating God's glory
-God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him
-God created us for His glory (Isaiah 43:7 says: Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.)
-God enjoys us!
-Don't run from God, run to God.
-Timothy was never comfortable in the spotlight, relied on God for boldness
-prophecy is testimony of Jesus, proclaiming His heart and backing it with Spirit power
-in the original Greek of Ephesians 1, there was no punctuation til vs 13 because Paul was writing in frantic excitement...I think that's awesome
-True praise is the external expression of internal experience of the glory of God.
-In evangelism, figure out what the appetite of the person your talking to is inclined towards
-You become what you behold (eg: if you move to the south you obtain a southern drawl after awhile)...so behold the glory of God! (2 Corinthians 3:17-18~Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
-hunger and humility are important!
-The World is Not Ending, the Age is..and New Age is coming cuz Christ is coming back!
He is an incredible young man of God whose Biblical knowledge and application really inspired me to hardcore study my Bible...throughout lectures he was quoting scripture, quoting scripture, quoting scripture. He also did a lecture "The call to be a faithful witness to the gospel thru apostolic preaching" which was sweet, hands down my favorite message I've ever heard. Here's his website if you want access to sweet stuff...http://www.daltonlifsey.com
In other news, today we went cave streaming and bouldering! Cave streaming was sweet it wasn't even cold after the first bit...the best was crawling thru a narrow dirty tunnel ending with a sweet 10 ft drop down to the stream...bouldering at Castle was fun too...didn't successfully boulder anything but definitely enjoy trying...nothin like hangin out on rock, good hold, nothing else matters but the route, chalk on your hands...i can't really put it into words, but it's sweet. Anyway, I'm gonna hang out with my roomates. Later!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
west coast
-the word "trinity" and "monotheism" aren't in the Bible, but Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are
-if we could coompletely understant the Trinity, the mystery would be gone, and we would be God
-we don't know who we are til we know whose we are
-Father, Son, Spirit have a pertichoretic relationship-all intertwined in a divine dance together
-ICE concept: Intercession, Compassion, Empathy
Went climbing Friday which was sweet, learned to lead climb!!!!!! Soooo fun, the climbing camp my teams going to here in NZ is all lead climb so stoked for that. This wknd was a trip to the west coast and stayed overnite in a hostel which was amazing. The ocean is so beautiful and powerful and it was just one cool example of God's creation. The hostel was cool too, we met a couple people from German and hung out with them, also blessed them by inviting them to share our food with us. It was my first time in a hostel and I really enjoyed it, can't wait to stay in more hostels, especially for Christmas, it's gonna be sweet to bless people there. Also a cool thing this wknd was going into a cave and seeing glow worms. The internets slow right now, but i'll upload some pictures hopefully soon. Later!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
-My passport: (of course i get it back!) as a symbol that I'm not going to focus on what parts of the world I want to see in my future, but what parts of the world God wants me to see
-my watch: i'm a huge time person and I gave up my watch because i want to focus on Gods time, not my time
We also had an amazing day of worship and it was cool to see some people really anointed with the Holy Spirit (some spoke in tongues, some just convulsed with the holy spirit)...I was completely ready to publicly declare my faith and I got baptized in the evening along with a couple others, after which we had communion.
Today we went to the beach and one van was already overheating on the way there, and on the way back it started smoking so we quickly got out and pushed it to the side of the road with the help of a couple helpful strangers behind us and Seth had contact with the base as the van started smoking...so help was on the way and we just chilled on the curb, still in pretty good spirits. After awhile we just spoke out this list of things we were grateful for and right after that this lady approached us and asked if we were ok and if we needed anything, and that she runs a Christian organization in town. (she noticed the YWAM Oxford on the van). Katie said it would be great to fill up her water bottle so headed to this lady's place, and they came back with jugs of water and homemade cupcakes. It was such a blessing! We got to talk to the lady for a bit about her ministry and she told us a few cool examples of how God provides which was totally sweet...and blessed us all before she had to get back home. So in the end, it was actually good that the van overheated cuz we got to meet this lady...ttyl!
Friday, November 13, 2009
another quick update!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
short update of the week
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Tuesday...settled in
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Love and Mercy (not my writing)
"oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." -Psalm 136:1
This whole chapter tells about God's enduring mercy. He loves us with an unconditional love. It doesn't matter what you look like, how much money you have, or what your past is like. God loves you anyway! Regardless of anything, God lvoes you just the same. That's the kind of love we need to have for each other. We need to look at the world through Jesus' eyes. There's a story in Mark 2 about 4 men who brought a man, crippled with disease, to Jesus. THere was not enough room for them, so they ripped a hole in the roof where Jesus was teaching and lowered the man down through the hole. now that's compassion. When Jesus saw their faith, He healed the man. These four men loved their friend with an unconditional love. They were willing to rip off a roof to get him healed. He was sick with a disease, so he prob didn't look or smell that good. They prob had needs themselves, but the only thing they were concerned about was getting their friend to Jesus! Unconditional love. Remember that God loves you unconditionally. Like those friends, He's willing to rip a roof off in order to show you the love and mercy you need.
Ps: Here, shotgun=shottie
Thursday, October 1, 2009
friday (thursday for you!)
Sydney! I don't have time to explore, but i'm sitting outside enjoying the fresh air while i wait for my last flight. Vancouver to Sydney was 15 hr flight! I'm amazed i'm not tired. Of Course i got a middle seat, but I had a nice neighbor who let me use her as a pillow, so I slept lots. And the airplane food was really good! Once we landed, I saw a plane w/ a 'roo on it! And aussiee accents are sooo amazing! Anyway, like 15 hrs on a plane wasn't enough, once we landed our gate was busy so we had to wait, plus they had to spray insecticide on the plane and hold us captive for 5 min to kill any weird bugs we may have been carrying. THEN we had to wait in a long line for cutoms, and another line after the baggage carousel so customs could check baggage and let you exit the building. Thank goodness for that line tho, otherwise I wouldn't have realized my baggage stopped here, when it was supposed to check all the way thru automatically. There's warning signs around here that it's illegal for cab drivers to approach you. Oh, we even got complimentary blankets and pillows to use on flight! My excitement was short lived cuz they were scratchy, staticky, and stinky. I'm so blah now haha o well, i'll rejuvenate in NZ :D! Not sure how long the flight there is, but kno not 15 hrs! THank goodness; i felt like forever had passed, looked at the time which informed me we had 12 hrs left. I"m adjusting to the time changes really well tho. Havin fun with my cell Sam? Did ya use it the whole way home? lol man ya guys shoulda tasted my amazin complimentary sandwich before! Not! haha thick slices of ham and butter b/t huge chunks of bread. No way, Jose. Can't please everyone i guess, and the chic breast and omelette made up for it. It's funny cuz professional customs ppl hear adress guys as "dude." Good day mates are all around. <3>
Wednesday (wrote out by hand wed, that is)
I'm in VAncouver killing time for a few hrs til my next flight, and I'm tired! Only 830 pm here, but my body says 1030. It's been a long day...ran into trouble before i left what w/ immigration/visa laws and such, which ended up costing me, but oh well, it's all part of the adventure and it all worked out. Awesome! cuz landing in jail or being deported is NOT on my to do list. Shocking, I know! Slightly disappointed I don't have time to check out Vancouver whil I'm here, oh well, NZ is the main goal anyway. Oh yeah there were 2 ppl escorted onto my flight in handcuffs attached to a chain around their waist...kinda freaked me out but no worries, nothin went down. Too bad, that woulda made a great story! jk jk i'd rather have a boring flight. Sry I'm writing alot but i'm sooooooooo bored. My flight was only 2.5 hrs and i got bored, thank goodness for seatback TV! Too bad we couldn't figure out how to teleport, Beth! Man, my next flights gonna be krazi long! Sry this isn't spectacular, but I'm bored. Haha i'm piggin out on crackers now...good stuff. And fruit! Refreshing break from all the junk food i eat. Beth Beth! I found a guy for ya! he drinks lattes...he seems fruity, and weasly. That's all i kno, but i'll easily be able to kidnap him...i'll report back. Enemy is in sight. lol i've already eaten 1/2 box of crackers i'm so bored. Theres just some old dude nearby readin a newspaper...who i'd rather not strike up a conversation with. Aww he escaped Beth! There goes the entertainment...k i'll try and find somethin interestin to tell ya bout...like Fruit to Go! on the back it says, "What's in your fruit snack?" Good question fruit to go, no clue. There's even a website. Here's a thought, how bout i just read the ingredients? Gosh i'm goin krazi talkin to a fruit to go. Did ya kno "apparently" robots can do brain surgery! There's a poster behind me that says, "Where a robot entered my brain." Here's a random quote I love: "To accomplish great things, we must not only act bu also dream. Not only plan but also believe."
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
3 more days!!!